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Board Member Job Description

Central New York Sales & Marketing Executives

Directors at Large
Board Member Job Description

To educate, advance and promote sales and marketing professionals.

  1. The governing body of Central New York Sales and Marketing shall be the Board, which establishes policies, directs the activities of the elected officials and committees, and approves all action pertaining to the business of CNYSME.
  • Bylaws articles that apply to the Directors at Large include:

Purpose of the position

Individuals elected to the Board of Central New York Sales and Marketing (CNYSME) are expected to visibly and actively contribute to the growth and success of CNYSME during their tenure on the Board. Working with other members of the Board, the Board Member is responsible for:

  • Administration of CNYSME’s activities and programs
  • Recruitment and retention of SME members
  • Guidance in the management of the financial resources of CNYSME
  • Development of organizational policies
  • Establish and maintain member relationships with key partners

Key areas of responsibility

  • Insures that CNYSME operates within its adopted by-laws.
  • Makes a personal contribution of time and expertise to CNYSME.
  • Approves and monitors organization’s finances. Approves the annual budget and Monitors CNYSME’s expenditures.

Expectations and commitments

  • Attend monthly Board meeting and Member programs.
  • Ability to dedicate 6 hours per month to the organization (includes Board meetings and Program event planning and preparation.)
  • Stays informed about committee matters, prepares well for meetings, and reviews and comments on minutes and reports.
  • Serve on at least one board committee.
  • Maintain proper communications through the Board President.
  • Participate in board planning sessions.
  • Willingness to represent and promote CNYSME within the community.
  • Engage in the open discussion/debate of the issues. Work collaboratively with all members of the board.
  • Stay current with CNYSME website and visit the Board of Directors page frequently.
  • Foster a sense of solidarity.
  • Attendance at monthly Board Meetings is a must for all Board members.  In the event a Board Member misses three meetings during a program year, he or she may be required to resign from the Board.
  • Encourage input from all members, including those with opposing views.
  • Support the decisions of the board and the administration of the Administrative Assistant to the Board.
  • Support the mission, goals and objectives of CNYSME.
  • Respect the confidential nature of work of CNYSME when appropriate.
  • Disclose and/or disqualify himself or herself whenever the appearance of a conflict of interest exists.
  • Board member participation in management of events & programs during the year.


  • Belief in and commitment to the mission and goals of CNYSME.
  • Demonstrated marketing and sales leadership that will enhance CNYSME in the community.
  • Be a paid member of the organization.
  • Ability to assume leadership role.
  • Willingness to expand knowledge of board responsibility and awareness of CNY SME through ongoing education processes.
  • Willingness and ability to represent CNYSME to the community.
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