Why Join CNYSME?
- Management Education to enhance your career through useful workshops, newsletters, interesting meetings events, and idea-sharing discussions.
- Sales and Marketing Education to provide professionals information and training for the sales and marketing professionals employed by you.
- Youth Education support to encourage students to pursue sales/marketing careers through Junior Achievement, The American Marketing Association at SUNY Oswego and the Graduate School of Sales and Marketing Management at Syracuse University.
- Sales & Marketing Recognition at the annual Crystal Ball and Sales and Marketing Excellence Awards Dinner where the top business leaders in Central New York gather to recognize the very best in sales and marketing!
- One-year complimentary subscription to the Central New York Business Journal.
$170+ / year
Receive free and discounted admission to educational and networking programs all year
Add additional employees for $60
$450/ year
Receive all the benefits of the Individual Membership for every employee of your company
All new employees automatically included
$85+ / year
Receive free and discounted admission to educational and networking programs all year
Add additional employees for $60